Волонтерські маскувальні сітки для підтримки військових
В умовах сучасної війни значення маскування неможливо переоцінити. Маскувальні сітки відіграють ключову роль у підвищенні безпеки та стратегічної переваги військовослужбовців. Ці сітки слугують важливим інструментом для приховування транспортних засобів, обладнання та особового складу від спостереження ворога, тим самим зменшуючи ймовірність виявлення та нападу. Виробництво сіток – це місія захисту та розширення можливостей наших захисників на полі бою.
У травні 2023 року, після року розвитку досвіду у виробництві амуніції, ми з командою вирішили розширити нашу волонтерську діяльність. Нас мотивувала нагальна потреба військових у доступних та ефективних маскувальних сітках.
Ми пам’ятаємо, як отримували численні запити від військових частин на ці сітки. Традиційні методи виробництва були не лише трудомісткими, але й надзвичайно дорогими. Ця ситуація змусила нас знайти рішення. Наша мета була простою, але амбітною: створити економічно ефективні маскувальні сітки без шкоди для якості.
В якості матеріалу ми обрали спанбонд, легку полімерну тканину, що складається з полімерних волокон, завдяки його чудовим властивостям – він не вбирає воду і легко ріжеться лазером. Щоб підвищити міцність, ми вирішили прикріпити спанбонд до надійної основи з рибальських сіток.
Співпрацюючи з кількома іншими волонтерськими організаціями, ми розпочали складну роботу з плетіння цих сіток. Ця командна робота дозволила нам виготовити сітки лише за рахунок вартості матеріалів, заощадивши понад 70% порівняно з ринковими цінами.
Лише за півроку спільними зусиллями ми виготовили понад 100 сіток, кожна розміром 6х4 метри. Це досягнення еквівалентне маскуванню 100 автомобілів, 50 бронетранспортерів або майже 1 кілометра окопів. Ця ініціатива відіграла вирішальну роль у збереженні життів і техніки багатьох захисників.
Ми закликаємо всіх, хто потребує маскувальних сіток для своїх знайомих чи близьких, долучатися до цієї справи. Ваша участь – чи то у вигляді запиту на сітки, чи то у вигляді благодійного внеску – є важливою складовою нашої спільної перемоги. Ваша підтримка не лише допомагає нам у виробництві, а й робить значний внесок у безпеку та успіх наших захисників.
From idea to realization
In the midst of the tumultuous military operations, we got our hands on flares. They looked like miniature rockets, which instantly captured the imagination of our team. The symbolic contrast between the innocence and deadly force of these missiles, which the Russians use against our people, became the basis for our idea. Although it was both strange and somewhat scary to hold such a symbol in our hands, we felt a responsibility to convey the reality of war.
Volunteer illustrators joined our task, bringing their vision and feelings of cities under siege. They created unique illustrations reflecting life in conflict and added descriptions of their feelings. These flaccettes and other debris were transformed not just into objects, but into real works of art that connect peaceful life and the horrors of war.
Each box is of great importance. They are intended for volunteers and everyone who helps Ukrainians in this critical time. These are not just souvenirs, they are a reflection of our fate, a message to the world about the courage, strength of spirit and indomitable nature of our people. "Symbols of Resilience" is our gratitude to those who stand by us and a reflection of Ukraine's unbreakable will to fight for its future.
"...my life and the lives of other Ukrainians changed dramatically on February 24, 2022. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to very loud sounds, such as impacts and explosions. It was very scary because I realized that war had started..."
"The idea to create Kharkiv Girl came about spontaneously. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that I was the personification of my favorite city and what the war had done to it, and to me, respectively..."
Alyona Dirizhenko
"The full-scale invasion started very unexpectedly for my family, the war made its own adjustments to our lives and I realized a very important thing. Home is not a house or an apartment, home is people, YOUR people, who are more important than anything else in the world. My native Chernihiv is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine, dotted with ancient temples and shrouded in many legends, but for me it is a city of people. Strong and unbreakable, who were among the first to meet the Russian horde and defend their native land with dignity..."
In light of the importance of our Symbols of Resilience project, we cannot but express our special gratitude to the talented illustrators who joined us. Their works are not just drawings - they are living reflections of the emotions, experiences and history of our people in the context of the conflict.
All the illustrations were done with deep feeling and dedication. Thanks to their professional eye and unsurpassed art, our boxes have become true messengers of the story we are committed to telling.
Your contribution to this project is invaluable. Your vision has helped to convey the true meaning of our mission and make Symbols of Resilience a memorable experience. From the entire team and those who will receive these boxes, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your work and inexhaustible creativity.
We would like to thank each and every illustrator who joined us. Your work will always be a big part of this project, embodying the true emotions and essence of our message. May your talent continue to unfold and inspire many.
For volunteers who receive these items for their contributions or work, they become not only a symbol of gratitude, but also a deep reflection of their feelings, support in difficult times, and a reminder of how much they have contributed to the fate of our country.
The story of a 70-year-old teacher from the Kherson region who needs our help.
Olha and her husband have five children under their care. Today, two boys are 12 years old and one is 13. Liza is 16, and her son Vitalii is also 16.
Three children were adopted when they were 6 months old, two when they were 4 years old. In Kherson, they lived with their daughter, who has twins. And now they continue to live together as one big family.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, volunteers had a hard time evacuating their family to Kyiv. Now they rent a small apartment on the outskirts of the capital. All seven children study at the Sofiyivsko-Borshchahivskyi Lyceum.
Meanwhile, Olga's brother bought a land plot in the Kyiv region. No house, just a foundation for it. The family planted a vegetable garden there and dreams of living there someday.
Olha's husband has a serious form of cancer. But the family has not given up. Olha works as a teacher's assistant, her children study at a Kyiv school and have good results. The older ones are planning to enter the university soon, while the younger ones continue their studies and attend clubs.
It is difficult for the family to rent a house, they need a modular house on their land. "Dobrobat" took this family under its care because we cannot stand aside.
В умовах сучасної війни значення маскування неможливо переоцінити. Маскувальні сітки відіграють ключову роль у підвищенні безпеки та стратегічної переваги військовослужбовців. Ці сітки слугують важливим інструментом для приховування транспортних засобів, обладнання та особового складу від спостереження ворога, тим самим зменшуючи ймовірність виявлення та нападу. Виробництво сіток – це місія захисту та розширення можливостей наших захисників на полі бою.
У травні 2023 року, після року розвитку досвіду у виробництві амуніції, ми з командою вирішили розширити нашу волонтерську діяльність. Нас мотивувала нагальна потреба військових у доступних та ефективних маскувальних сітках.
Ми пам’ятаємо, як отримували численні запити від військових частин на ці сітки. Традиційні методи виробництва були не лише трудомісткими, але й надзвичайно дорогими. Ця ситуація змусила нас знайти рішення. Наша мета була простою, але амбітною: створити економічно ефективні маскувальні сітки без шкоди для якості.
В якості матеріалу ми обрали спанбонд, легку полімерну тканину, що складається з полімерних волокон, завдяки його чудовим властивостям – він не вбирає воду і легко ріжеться лазером. Щоб підвищити міцність, ми вирішили прикріпити спанбонд до надійної основи з рибальських сіток.
Співпрацюючи з кількома іншими волонтерськими організаціями, ми розпочали складну роботу з плетіння цих сіток. Ця командна робота дозволила нам виготовити сітки лише за рахунок вартості матеріалів, заощадивши понад 70% порівняно з ринковими цінами.
Лише за півроку спільними зусиллями ми виготовили понад 100 сіток, кожна розміром 6х4 метри. Це досягнення еквівалентне маскуванню 100 автомобілів, 50 бронетранспортерів або майже 1 кілометра окопів. Ця ініціатива відіграла вирішальну роль у збереженні життів і техніки багатьох захисників.
Ми закликаємо всіх, хто потребує маскувальних сіток для своїх знайомих чи близьких, долучатися до цієї справи. Ваша участь – чи то у вигляді запиту на сітки, чи то у вигляді благодійного внеску – є важливою складовою нашої спільної перемоги. Ваша підтримка не лише допомагає нам у виробництві, а й робить значний внесок у безпеку та успіх наших захисників.
Ukraine is suffering from rocket attacks. Every day, the Rashists bring pain and chaos to people's lives. Russia has hit a third of Ukraine's energy infrastructure with missile strikes. The lack of electricity during the war creates darkness, both literally and figuratively. Without electricity, our daily lives become a struggle, and activities that contribute to the well-being and safety of our defenders are jeopardized. In these challenging times, Kostya's small business, byKYIVWOOD, has continued to operate thanks to Patrick's dedication and generosity and the ray of light he has shared.
Patrick's decision to invest in the generator demonstrated his unwavering commitment to supporting humanitarian efforts, even in the face of adversity. Connected by our Humanity donated half of the amount to purchase the generator. Due to the high demand, the price was quite high, but thanks to the support, we did it. Purchasing a generator in the most uncertain and difficult times was more than just a simple solution to an urgent problem. It became a symbol of hope and resilience for all employees. Patrick's compassion and Connected by our Humanity demonstrated that even in the midst of darkness, there are people who are willing to step up and provide support.
By providing a stable power source, the laser cutting process continued, ensuring production. In addition, we were able to continue manufacturing camouflage nets and equipment that protect our defenders on the front lines. Thanks to the support of Patrick and Connected by our Humanity, we continue to participate in these vital initiatives, providing practical assistance to those who risk their lives for our freedom.
Crooked Lane Brewing recently hosted an incredible gathering - an event that demonstrates how individuals and organizations can come together to make a meaningful impact. The event was a shining example of how the combination of unique talents and resources can produce amazing results.
Visitors had a unique opportunity to buy beer with original illustrations created by FriendsAgainstTheWar volunteer Lana. Each purchase was not just a drink, but a contribution to a charitable cause: raising funds for winter gear and lightweight stoves for Anton, who is bravely defending Ukraine. Anton's war-torn life was recently brightened by a joyful event - the birth of his daughter. This is a particularly touching example of the personal sacrifices and endurance of people on the front line.
The event was an incredible success, but it would not have been possible without the unwavering commitment and cooperation of many people. FriendsAgainstTheWar and Connected by our Humanity played a key role in inspiring attendees to help Ukraine. Patrick and Crooked Lane Brewing, who organized the event, showed incredible generosity and support. Their willingness to help is a true example of how empathy and kindness can change the world.
We hope that the success of this event will inspire others to support similar initiatives in the future. Events like this demonstrate that by joining forces and using our talents, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who need our support the most.
As the stars still shone dimly in the pre-dawn hours of February 24, 2022, the skies over Ukraine were divided between the relative peace that was and the war that was to come. At Gostomel Airport, a key airport for the defense of the capital, Ukrainian soldiers faced a sudden onslaught of enemy helicopters. Among the aggressors were the warriors of the sky - KA-52 helicopters, known as 'flying tanks'. But the courage and heroism of the Ukrainian defenders rewrote the scenario that seemed inevitable to the enemy. This story is about one of those helicopters, the people who met it in battle, and the indomitable spirit of a nation that stands for its freedom.
The story refers to the events of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022. The KA-52 helicopter, a Russian attack helicopter known as one of the main strike vehicles of the Russian air force, was involved in an attempt to quickly seize important strategic locations in Ukraine, including airports.
50°35’35.5″N 30°12’49.3″E
Gostomel Airport, which is located near Kyiv, became a key target in the first days of the invasion. This airport is strategically important because it could have been used to quickly deploy Russian troops and heavy equipment from Belarus, which served as one of the springboards for the offensive against Ukraine.
Russian attack helicopters, including KA-52s and MI-24s, attacked the Gostomel airport. Ukrainian defenders, including air defense units, returned fire, shooting down several of the helicopters. This was an important moment of resistance that demonstrated Ukraine's determination to resist the invasion and its ability to effectively use its defense infrastructure even in such critical conditions.
The wreckage of the downed helicopter, which is now being used to make souvenirs, symbolizes not only a moment of heroism by Ukrainian soldiers, but also the resilience of the nation as a whole in the face of aggression. Such objects serve as physical reminders of the conflict, and their value lies not only in the material they are made of, but also in the emotional and historical burden they carry.
By purchasing these boxes, you are showing your support for the Ukrainian military. This is your chance to be a part of a great cause and make your own contribution to the courage and resilience of Ukraine. Each box is an expression of our unity and solidarity with those who are now defending peace and freedom.
Kakhovka HPP, one of Ukraine's key hydroelectric power stations located on the Dnipro River, plays a significant role in the region's water and energy balance. On June 6, 2023, at 2:50 a.m., the Russian military carried out a terrorist attack that had terrible consequences: they blew up the dam of the Kakhovka HPP. It was a tragedy for people and everything that lives in the Dnipro River and the Black Sea. This act of aggression not only caused a power outage, but also led to the sudden flooding of large areas. The explosion upset the ecological balance on a global scale. Climate change, chemical pollution, and all living things that were submerged or left without water are just some of the terrible consequences. The huge inflow of fresh water dramatically changes the salinity of the Black Sea, which disrupts the vital activity of species accustomed to a certain level of salinity and reduces the population of freshwater fish. Agrochemicals, pesticides, petroleum products, cemeteries, chemical and other wastes, and heavy metals have entered the water and polluted the Black and Mediterranean Seas. This tragedy is also causing an environmental crisis in the world's oceans.
Immediately after the explosion, the water that broke free partially or completely flooded eight settlements and one neighborhood of Kherson, located on the right bank. Many residents of the right bank of the Kherson region found themselves in the critical zone. Complicating matters is the lack of centralized water supply and sanitation in many settlements in Dnipropetrovska, Zaporizka and Khersonska oblasts. Huge masses of water were arriving very quickly in the neighboring regions. There was little time to evacuate. Some residents found themselves in conditions where the water level was too high. The tragedy took away many people's roofs and, in some cases, their lives. The event had particularly serious consequences for the left bank, which, being occupied by Russian troops, was at risk of even greater flooding due to its lower terrain. The Russians prevented the evacuation of people from the flooded areas. The population was in a double trap. This catastrophe is not just a physical destruction of infrastructure; it is a symbol of the destruction of peace and security, a reminder of the importance of international solidarity and support in restoring and protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people affected by this tragedy.
In addition to the environmental disaster, there was a nuclear threat. The ZNPP was synchronized with the Kakhovka Reservoir. The cooling ponds were filled with water from this reservoir. No one expected this scenario to happen. The consequences for ZNPP, Kherson region, and the water supply to Crimea were on the verge of disaster. The occupiers have once again proved that there are no limits for them and they are ready for anything. This exacerbates the safety of the nuclear power plant, because we understand that the next terrorist attack may be the explosion of ZNPP
Approximately 880,000 people lost access to centralized water supply, which posed an immediate threat to their lives and health. Thanks to our unity and joint efforts, we have done an incredible thing. FriendsAgainstTheWar organized a fundraiser to purchase a powerful water purification system OASIS S-300. This is not just equipment, but a unique mobile unit that can purify and disinfect water from surface sources. The unit meets the daily drinking water needs of up to 1000 people, with a capacity of 250-300 liters per hour, which amounts to up to 5000 liters of clean water per day.
The system is designed to purify water from any open freshwater source. The purified water meets strict requirements, which guarantees its safety for consumption. One of the key advantages of the plant is its compactness. It is so small that it can be easily transported, making it an ideal solution for quick response in case of emergencies. In addition, the system is as easy to operate as possible. The system can be easily connected via an inverter to the vehicle's electrical system or directly to a diesel generator, making it flexible for use in a variety of environments.
Our success would not have been possible without the financial support of Connected by our Humanity and the sale of Crooked Lane Brewing beer. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of beer with Lana's illustrations were used to help the victims. Special thanks to our friend Dmytro and his friends, colleagues in Poland, as they made a significant contribution to this cause. Thanks to our joint work, the water purification system was on two expeditions to Kherson. They provided flood victims in the Kherson region with access to safe water. This is a huge step in the fight for the health and well-being of our people affected by the Kakhovka dam disaster.
You can read more about how these trips took place on the website Charity organization "Edelweiss" Thank you to everyone who contributed! Your generosity and compassion make the world a better place. Let's continue to support each other and do positive things!